Kalman Filter: Predict, Measure, Update, Repeat.

Joshua Owoyemi, PhD
5 min readApr 12, 2017


In systems where we need to obtain continuous or dynamic measurements from sensors, there is usually a challenge that the sensors’ measurements are uncertain due to reasons which include, but are not limited to, errors from sensor, discrepant measurement from multiple sensors. Kalman filter helps us to obtain more reliable estimates from a sequence of observed measurements. This post is meant to give a general idea of the Kalman filter in a simplistic and concise manner. It however requires a little familiarity with the subject, but I will do a little introduction.

Suppose we want to track the position of an obstacle ahead of a robot, we would like to be certain about the measurement obtained from the range sensor on the robot because we would not want the robot to collide into an obstacle while it ‘thinks’ the obstacle is still far ahead. Depending on the inaccuracy or noise present in our sensor, we might get a reading that looks like this:

This kind of reading is pretty unreliable, so we need the Kalman filter to give us a better estimate. Another advantage is that we can be able to make our estimate from multiple sensors, further reducing the uncertainty in our estimations.

Kalman filter algorithm can be roughly organized under the following steps:
1. We make a prediction of a state, based on some previous values and model.
2. We obtain the measurement of that state, from sensor.
3. We update our prediction, based on our errors
4. Repeat.

Having given the general introduction, it is good to note that our prediction comes from our knowledge of the system. For example, if we are tracking the position and velocity of an object, we would use a model that follows the equation of motion for prediction. I will use the example of tracking position and velocity to explain the rest of the post. Our model can be represented as follows:

In matrix form as:


Where p is the position, v velocity and a acceleration. We call F transition matrix and U control variable matrix. In most typical cases, velocity is assumed to be constant, but U accounts for acceleration when this is not true. We also need to estimate the uncertainty in our estimation. This can be expressed by the state covariance matrix:

Where Q is the process noise covariance matrix, which is used to keep the state covariance matrix from becoming too small or going to zero.

Kalman Gain

An important element of the Kalman filter is the Kalman gain. I like to see it as the regulator between our estimate and the measurement. As you would see in the equation of the gain in the following figure, the Kalman gain ‘decides’ based on error from previous estimations, which of either the estimate or measurement to give more weight to. Intuitively, if we are making a good prediction, then the Kalman gain works to cancel out the effect of new measurements, but if we are making bad estimates, then it gives weight to the new measurements to make subsequent predictions. The figure below shows the general flow and overview of the Kalman filter.

Source: Special Topics — The Kalman Filter

Extended Kalman Filter

The extended Kalman filter (EKF) is a way of incorporating measurements from multiple sensors to make more robust estimations. It is able to deal with sensors presenting measurements in different dimensions.

In our case of tracking the position and velocity of an object, we could use laser or radar range sensors. However, while laser sensors represent measurements in cartesian coordinate, the radar sensors represent in polar coordinate. A direct conversion of polar coordinate to cartesian coordinate gives nonlinearity and so Kalman filter is no more useful. Hence, we have to be able to linearly map from the polar coordinate to the cartesian coordinate. EKF uses the method called first order Taylor expansion to obtain linear approximation of the polar coordinate measurements in the update. In this process, a Jacobian matrix is produced, which represents the linear mapping from polar to cartesian coordinate, applied at the update step. Hence, the conversion matrix H becomes the Jacobian matrix Hj, while we will use non-linear state transition and measurement functions for both prediction and update respectively. The resulting EKF general flow and overview is shown:

Extended Kalman Filter

The EKF is a very broad and useful topic which cannot be done justice to in a single post. While I jumped many steps or procedures, I have however highlighted areas which I personally found a bit confusing when working on the algorithm for a project on the Udacity SDCND program. Check the following links for more detailed explanation on the Kalman filter.

If you would like to know about the project I applied this algorithm on, check the project repository here.

If you find any inconsistency in my post, please feel free to point out in the comments. I’m still a learner.

Thanks for reading.

Originally posted on The ML Journey.



Joshua Owoyemi, PhD
Joshua Owoyemi, PhD

Written by Joshua Owoyemi, PhD

Co-Founder and CEO of ModAstera Inc.

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